Petr Říha |


Přinášíme Vám rozhovor s jednou z letních posil, gruzinským pravým obráncem, Levanim Skhirtladzem.  Povídání nejen o fotbale jsme vedli v angličtině a v rámci prázdninového edukačního cvičení ho přinášíme v originálním znění :-) 

Levan, please tell us something about You. Where were You born? What Down? What country? How long are You from Your country?
„My name is Levani Skhirtladze. I'm 21 years old, I was born and raised in Georgia, Tbilisi. It´s so far from Czech republic :-)“

How many brothers or sisters do You have? Does anybody of them do some sports?
„I have two sister. I'm the yougest member in family. No one is doing sport in my family, only me.“

Can Your parents and Your family, watch Your football career and life in Czech republic? Are you in touch with Your family?
„My family can't watch my games here, but we are always contacting to each other and they know every news about my career in Czech republic“

In what team, what city, did You do Your first football steps? At what age?
I was 10 years old when I started my career in Tbilisi, at "Norchi Dinamoeli".

What is Your favourite position in the game ?
„For me the best in the football is defence and my whole career i was playing right back“

In what teames did You play before You get to Czech republic?
„Before Vsetin I was playing in FC Sackhere Chikura, FC Orbi, FC Merani Tbilisi in Georgia“

How long are You in Czech republic? In what teams did You play in Czech republic?
„It's been almost 3 week that I'm in Czech republic, and Vsetin is my first team in Czech.“

What are Your first feelings in Vsetín team?
„I felt that I was in right place to develop my career and my self as a football player and Vsetin is good to get used to live in Czech republic“

Is the languge a some handicap to play in FC Fastav Vsetín?
„To be honest it's difficult, because I don´t know czech language and most people doesn't know english good. But I started learning czech language and soon language will not be problem.“

How do You like our country, Czech republic? Do You feel safe here?
„Living in Czech is so safe and calm, but I need some time to adopt for hundred percent, ´cause life styles in my country and here are totally different."

That is interesting. What are the most differences You see, so far? Because we do not know very much about Your country. We can see very nice countryside on internet, we can read about not uncomplicated history. What are the differences You see, so far?
„To be honest its difficult because our lifestyle is so different. In here, seems, everyone is moving with bicycles, but in my country we like cars. The most life here is more healthier than in Georgia. People are more simple usual, but my people are more kind. And the main thing, life is cheaper here and you have more opportunities to achive yours, that´s why I moved to Czech republic“

Nice to hear, that life is healthier and cheaper here, many our people will not believe that :-)  Thank You for talking to You. We wish You good luck in the matches in FC Fastav Vsetín. And all the best in Czech republic. We are happy to have You here.

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